i wanna be with you
Okay, short PP of Rain...If you want it changed I will edit it 

Time seemed to fly so fast. She had wandered off a little to bag the kills and take the arrows from the prey. Next thing she knew Rain had found pups. At Rain's command Samantha nodded and pressed the pups closer to her chest as Rain told her to bring them home. They were so cold, so vulnerable. She was grateful when Rain had given her his cloak to cover them with. She hugged him before sprinting at top speed off into the forest towards the caves. She clutched the bundle of the two pups protectively, not letting them go. Scenery passed quickly as she ran, she was nervous and elated at the same time. Samantha had reached the caves in a few minutes. The moment she got into the den she was a wreck.

She paced around the den for a few minutes, her mind whiting as she clutched the precious children to her chest. She still was wondering why Rain was distant this morning. What if she was useless? What if carving and curing furs wasn't enough? If only she had been able to fight the bear off with him. She was busy catching their dinner at the time. In all the time spent pacing and trying to warm the pups, Samantha didn't notice that the pups were able to nurse from her. At the point of noticing, the woman was surprised, for a short while she was confused. Motherhood was very new to Samantha, she spent the next half hour nursing and keeping her new children warm. Finally she lay them all down on the sleeping furs and sighed. She was beat already, the pups were tedious. When Rain entered into the dark room, she had to look up. Her mate looked as tired as herself, she motioned for him to lay by her. "Rain...What's wrong?" Samantha was slightly worried, both for herself and him. What if he didn't love her as much? That was a crazy idea for sure, she didn't even think to believe that idea. He had a hard past, Sam had tried her best to make it better. The lady curled up beside him, her new children peacefully sleeping between the two. "I'm tired." The Zepar had to yawn and look sleepily at her mate and children. She didn't know what he would say or do, she just sat back and held the children, however sleepy she was; the woman would stay with them. Sam stayed quiet for now, there was no reason to speak.

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</style>this beautiful table was given to me by Gen.

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