A little maintenance
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ooc: 377 words. .

Her role within Ichika had not changed despite her unceremonious absence. The scenelet played beyond the valley was known to few but to those that played a part. The wild stage was left where it was, the performance kept ignorant to those that need not know what transpired. For the key player, such a role was not left to obscurity. Remaining fresh upon her mind, she carried it shamefully burdened by the guilt she had brought upon herself. What a selfish fool she had been, to believe events would unfold in her favor when clearly she hadn’t the slightest idea what she was doing, or what provoke such rash actions.

Confidence withered to cowardice, once powerful steps falling silently upon the chilled earth. Her golden light dulled by shame whilst a dark cloud loomed over her towering form. There was little pride in her tasks such a short while after her embarrassing feat. It was a wonder the woman could hold her head up at all. Wandering from the haunts she had taken to, she ventured deeper toward the heart of the community. The religious realm often avoided was now that only place she could thread without worrying her path would soon cross with that of an enraged and hurt mother. The Nomad had never done so poorly as this to incite a retreat from her home in order to avoid confrontation. Though it was well deserved on part of the mother she had wronged. For a moment, she wanted to thread without fear.

Only once had the woman wandered to the abbey and after that eerie occurrence, she opted not to return unless commanded to. Yet here she was upon sacred land, a sinner having committed a personal wrong to a sister of their family. What would be the course of action now? What direction was there for a lost soul to take? A lost pup of the mother Ichika, she wandered the heavily weeded path on silent paws with tail subtly slipped between her legs. A veil of auburn concealed the lifeless gaze of the lost soul, peering blindly at the skillfully constructed path beneath her paws. Her mind so withdrawn from what surrounded her, she hardly noticed the obstruction to her way, purposefully weeding away.


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