Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
Abrupt, that was the word to explain how dream turned to reality, when his form jerked awake from his normally sound sleep. If he had a fault it was his damn near dead like sleep he usually found himself in every night. Only the loudest of loud noises or shakings would wake him from such slumber. Eyes opened wide, blood shot, he’d returned home late the night before, having been doing double duty with food, watching the borders, marking them even though he didn’t technically have the right to, but with Nayru out of commission it was a substitute until she was well enough to place her scent once again. Last night though he had busied himself clearing a mountain pass, an avalanche, albeit a small one had happened and he had cleared a path through it.

The ringing in his ears from his mates call all at once drove him through the stages of sleep and out and into the waking world with such a force he almost blacked back out. His muzzle dipped low and then his massive head gave a shake, shaking the cob webs out before he could realistically start to process what was going on. Eyes fell on the two women, nose took in the rancid scent and all at once his mind leap to a wrong conclusion. He staggered over trying to see the damage, if one of them had been attacked of some sort before he settled on Nayru. His calm wasn’t because he was distant just that sleep still clung to him so badly that his mind wasn’t processing everything it should have. Eyes looked, blinking a moment before he recoiled in fear.

Before he could speak, take charge and get little Nayru fully into the den and into warmth she had awoken and he was painfully aware of what was happening. Her body shook and he feared the worst, unable to voice anything. Everything seemed to happen in a blur, before long he could feel his mates gaze on him. Blues slowly moved to return her gaze unable to ascertain her fear. Eyes again moved to look outside at the blood trail. He glanced back to her but didn’t tell her anything about what he was about to do.

“X’y get her into her room, plenty of blankets and if you have to lay down to keep her warm then do it. She’s been outside, and lost a lot of blood. I’ll be back in a few minutes, I need to go do something.” He didn’t elaborate as to exactly what, but his form moved from the den quickly.

It didn’t take him long to follow the trail, he really didn’t even need to use his nose, the trail of blood led him back and back recounting her trail to their den. For a moment he stood confused, sniffing around the area, another scent that had been on the trail recently. He came across a spot where there seemed to be more blood and afterbirth and where the foreign scent was strongest. Sniffing again provided another scent, very faintly and where a small depression in the snow, where a small almost weightless thing might have laid, centered around it the splatter of blood of a birth. Confused, he tried to piece it together, his nose didn’t lie, following the other scent, the stranger, until it left the trail and out into the woods. If there had been another child born, it wasn’t here now and his form started filling with a silent rage.

Snow flew in the air as muscles dug into the loose powder, a growl letting loose from his throat. Out and into the wilderness he went, nose keeping him locked on the trail. Several times he lost it, circling around feverishly before relocating it again and taking off. With Nayru safe with X’y for the time being he decided to continue trying to locate the thief and the lost child. But he stopped at the border, looking off into the direction of the South West, eyes looking along the snow covered plains that gave way to blotches of grey dead grass. The behemoth stood, trying to make the decision to follow or to go back and check on the two women in his life. For now he decided he’d go back, to take care of Nayru, but he’d file this away and the first moment he got he’d do more investigation, but one thing was certain, if the child was taken to the pack that harbored the demon child of Connor, the boy who had murdered the man who had given so much joy to Dahlia, then there would be more blood, and he’d make damn sure the traitor would pay.

Soon his body slowly made the turn back into Ichika, boiling with rage. All he had was speculation but it had been no foreigner in the lands of ichika that had left to the south west, but one of their own. Time would tell, but for now he needed to return and find out from Nayru what had happened. Saluce started his run again, trekking through the mountains, before his form finally did come across the den they all shared. His breath was ragged, coming in strained gulps from his long almost impossible run. His ears perked hoping to hear the two of them inside, before his body crawled in. Blues looking in and around before finding them.

Again he didn’t say anything about what he had been doing, deciding it was best for now to keep fear and uncertainty out of the den, so the new mother and child could rest and bond. A nuzzle was his address, before he collapsed back down in exhaustion, resting his snout on X’y’s shoulders, still panting.

“How are they doing?” he finally asked, trying to shift attention back to Nayru and the small pup.

(this is the longest post I've written in awhile, guess it's because the two women who really bring out my muse happen to be in the thread >< 985 words yay)

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