year zero
"Yep," she said, brushing his other side briefly, doubting she would find anything else, before rocking back on her heels. She was quite pleased that it was just one minor fracture, even though it would still cause the young man a good pit of pain. Bleach had medicine for that, of course, if he was willing to take it. And, knowing how bad a broken rib felt, she figured he would. She opened her mouth to report the diagnosis, but was interrupted by the quick exchange between wolf and bird. Low-speech was something she was aware of but couldn't understand, so she ignored it for the time being.
"Broken rib," she stated after a moment, crossing her arms. "It's nothing time won't cure, if you take it easy. There will be swelling and the area will be sensitive." Bleach paused. She had forgotten he was a trespasser, so providing him pain relief had seemed like a given until then. Now she wasn't so sure. With the pain of a broken rib he couldn't do much to intimidate or harm the pack, and had already made a bit of a fool of himself, so all she had to do was question him. She narrowed her eyes.
"What were you doing so close to Shadowed Sun's borders?" The question came abruptly, but not aggressively. She still couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

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