year zero
i totally thought he was in lupus form. whoops!

Bleach nodded, accepting his explantion without much reservation. From what she understood, all the surrounding packs were relatively new and set up randomly throughout the land. Accidentally stumbling (or falling) into claimed territory was something she could sympathize with. The woman stood as he did, watching carefully his posture and his breathing. If she suddenly found the young man dead in a couple days, she did not want to discover it was because she had missed something. Bad for the resume, and all. But his chest seemed to move together relatively well as he breathed, so she was reassured.
"It's not a problem. Besides, you might go into shock at any moment," she said when he suggested leaving, placing her hands on her hips. She doubted he would actually go into shock, but she had seen wolves lose it over lesser injuries than his. "My den is just a short way down the mountain. If you want to bandage it up or take some pain relievers, you're welcome to." She wasn't going to kick him out as soon as he could walk; he'd just fallen down a mountain, after all!

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