Down came a blackbird

Crap post, sorry. xD; :: Word Count → 374

Drakien raised a brow as she waved off his concerns about sea-fairing life, shaking his head with a little chuckle. He understood all about sacrificing to the gods, but unlike what seemed to be the case with her own, there was no retribution from his own deities if you didn't, or couldn't, afford to make such sacrifices. Of course they wanted what was due to them, but it should be a give and take between the gods; not a give or take. Still, he couldn't argue with her beliefs, and merely rolled his shoulder, which could have meant anything, really. He supposed, if he ever bought passage back to the Old World, that he would first have to pay this Poseidon for safe passage. Honestly, without that payment, it had been a very close call.

He took a moment to enjoy her laugh before he joined in, shaking his head slightly in amusement. He might have preferred being left somewhere he wouldn't have found them, that time he'd been abandoned--it would have given him the courage, or at least the outrage, to return to his father--but when all was said and done, he was glad they didn't. Drakien couldn't help but wish someone had had that sort of consideration for his new-found companion; at least to leave her on the same side of the world, for God's sake! He didn't particularly like the man who'd done this to her, or the crew he'd convinced to leave her behind, however unintentional the abandonment had been on their part. Among the caravan, someone would have come to make certain before they left.

He was drawn from his thoughts at her feline stretch, and then her hand came to rest on his thigh, drawing his gaze down to the appendage curiously before it rose again to meet her eyes. There was a question in her gilded look, and he blinked at her hazily, not quite understanding, before a feral grin spread across his face and he rolled his shoulder in a shrug--she could do whatever she wished to him, if that was what she truly wanted. And it seemed to be, from the way she'd been creeping steadily closer throughout their encounter.

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