Sweet Victory!
Licks returned, showering his face with puppyish joy. He grinned, his tail moving slower than her own as he looked down at the kill. It wasn't a very large deer, and young. She had taken it down though, an accomplishment worth howling about. He would have been howling to summon others to come and join in the kill, but a howl announcing the victory worked just as well. Fayne's excitement was contagious, Tharin listening as she talked about the deer, the fallen foe lying at her feet. It wasn't small prey at all, impressive for the weak hunter. The doe's definitely dead. A deep rumbling laugh followed that, amused by her chatter.

Fayne wheeled away, leaping about and kicking around happily. Tharin danced around the deer a little himself, coming over to the other side, growling happily at the thought of the meal that would come. He cocked his head at the thought of bringing it to the pack. He thought calling them would be more practical, as dragging the deer off would be difficult. Tharin was at the end of his patience just dragging a small fawn along. He couldn't cut in through her words at all, though his ears prick a little. He didn't think she'd have been accepted if they thought she was useless. Every member contributed something.

A soft headbutt announced her slowly settling down. Tharin nestled his head above hers, tail wagging softly as he looked over at the dead deer. You did well. I'm sure we're going to be facing a terrifying huntress in the pack soon. He smiled softly before stepping back, looking at the deer again. How are you going to take it back?

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