I'm exactly where I want to be
Secui form. Ciaran the cat is present, and may be annoyed at Nier. YAY first meetings / 500 exactly!

Niernan enjoyed walking in his secui form, he found that his longer legs and larger paws gave him a wider gait and more balance. He had set off earlier that morning after alerting the others in the pack that he may be wandering further than normal today, he had told them that he would try and bring back something interesting and kept his eyes peeled for new plants or unusual woods.

He found himself humming a tune to himself, his hum a low rumble that sounded like the startings of a growl, but in essence was harmless. Ciaran, who was curled up on his friends broad back, lifted his head and mewled sleepily. Niernan chuckled, that also coming out more threatening than it should, Sorry Ciaran, I'm just humming. The cat mewled once more and put his head back down, where Niernan assumed that he went back to sleep. He envied his cat that ability, that wonderful ability to just pass out whenever. He shook his brick of a head and smiled again, continuing his humming.

The day wore on and the sun beat down on his black back, he bagan to pant, not from exhaustion, but from heat. His ears flicked back and he thought about stopping to find some shade. His tan rimmed receivers flicked up immediately as he heard a female voice shouting. The other sounded hisghly distressed and quite frankly angry. Niernan loped through the underbrush, dodging trees as he made his way towards the noise. He skidded to a halt as he saw the commotion; a vividly ginger fox had hold of an oddly coloured bird, while a golden female wolf screamed at the fox. Clearly the bird was some sort of companion and the wolf was distressed to see it in the maw of a predator. The fox did not look as if he were about to let go and Niernan knew that the bird did not have long left if it were to be saved. In that moment he made a decision.

Black and tan fur blurred as he leaped from the covering foliage, his massive, muscular form crashing into the clearing. Ciaran tumbled from his back, twisting quickly to avoid falling on his face, landing nimbly on all four paws. Niernan gathered the fox into his jaws, holding the animal around the middle, he growled menacingly at the vulpine, Drop the bird. Now! The fox quivered in fear, a whine escaping it but it did not drop the bird. Nier tightened his grip slightly and the fox yelped loudly, the process of which caused it to open its maw, the exotically coloured bird falling to the floor.

Niers cerulean eyes blazed with anger, he panted heavily as adrenaline coursed through his veins, he looked up at the female before him, the distance from his eyes to hers wasn't all that much, but he still needed to raise them slightly. He was unsure what to do with the fox now and he inquired wordlessly through his gaze.

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