I'm exactly where I want to be
Word Count :: 596 Hehe :3

Watching helplessly as the smaller predator held the life of Turnip in it's jaws, the golden woman's thoughts raced and threw together various scenarios and ways to respond, none of which would end pleasantly. Ears flicking back she glared at the fox, half crouching she took a tentative step forward in hope that she could catch the beast and pull Turnip from it's clutches before any further serious damage was inflicted upon the bird, although to some level she knew her attempts would be futile. Tensing and pushing her shoulders back a fraction she held herself still, glaring at the red creature with teeth bared in naive hope that it would change it's mind and release it's catch. But it didn't and wouldn't and there was no way she would be able to get to Turnip before the fox killed the bird.

Despair began to seep into her mind, the conclusion that Turnip was doomed had been made and her muscles relaxed a fraction in defeat. Taking in an unsteady breath, she was about to step out and make a futile attempt to save her companion when a dark figure appeared out of nowhere, so fixated upon the fox she had been careless and oblivious to the approach of another. Ocean filled eyes flicked to the male, confused by his presence and unsure exactly how to respond but as the dark strange held the fox captive she breathed out in relief, running over to where Turnip had fallen and carefully scooping the pheasant up, cradling is against her chest and mumming comforting phrases in low speech, not truly sure if the bird understood her or believed her but the act of doing so made her feel better at least. Glancing over to Jason she called the bird over to her, the red-eyed bird making it's way over to her side in a flash and hiding behind her due to the presence of a stranger.

Gingerly she examined the wounds on Turnip, relieved to see that although bad and painful looking, the wounds were treatable. Now that the birds were free and safe, her attention returned to the dark secui male, his eyes looking to her in question. “Kill it for all I care. Filthy beast” she spat out, glaring at the fox with hatred. Carefully she seated herself upon the ground, resting turnip upon her folded legs and stroking the bird repeatedly in an attempt to keep it calm. “Thank you. For saving her” she nodded her head down at the bird upon her lap, dreads bouncing with the motion. “I mean it, I didn't think i'd be able to get her free from that alive” she smiled slightly, genuinely expressing herself for once rather then resorting to the sarcasm that came so naturally to her.

Taking a steadying breath she calmed herself, allowing the panic and fear to run free from her body. To her right Jason settled down, hugging close to the golden woman’s legs. Looking at the male she allowed her eyes to run over him, taking in his larger form without shame; for in her opinion there was absolutely nothing wrong with clearly checking out a stranger. “I'm Grace, you would be?” she asked in an attempt to make small talk whilst she recovered herself enough from the shock of the situation. Although she knew she shouldn't linger long, she would need to find someone to treat Turnip; unless her dark knight also happened to be a healer, that was, then there was no need to be going anywhere quite so soon.

Photo courtesy of kookr

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