[J] Walk a little up the road

sorry for the rush, i wouldn't do this if I had more time! hope the PP is alright!!

Saul Chibi is by Requiem!

Observant eyes watched as she gave a little bow, before replacing the straw hat on her head. He could only assume that the hat meant something significant to her, because she'd held it close since it had been removed only a few short moments ago. He could almost see her thinking, the far off look that Saul got all too often spreading across her face. He allowed her her moment of thought before his question interrupted her and she looked up with a start. He met her surprise with a small smile, before inclining her head and allowing her to speak. He had to admit, he had never heard of the town she named, but he wasn't surprised when she admitted that she came from a merchant family. There seemed to be a certain 'type' that were merchants and she fit the bill for him.

A difficult business to succeed in sometimes... The young leader commented, although it was amiable enough. The absent rub of her face appeared to be something of a thinking mechanism and Saul allowed her another moment to gather her thoughts. She admitted having many skills, but he was pleasantly surprised when she spoke of being someone a healer. He nodded, enthusiasm stretching his smile wide for a moment. I am a healer myself, perhaps we could learn a few things off of one another. He offered, tail swinging back and forth quietly behind him. He was always pleased when she revealed her skill in caring for livestock, and owning up to the animals she had with her. They will be most welcome- we have little livestock at the moment but we hope to have some soon. He said, accepting these skills like gifts.

He nodded softly as she reminded him of the basic skills most had. He considered for a moment before allowing another smile on his lips. I think you'll fit in just fine here Luella. He said softly, before taking a breath. It was always a pleasure to help another out, and accepting them into Vinátta was advantageous to all parties. He glanced back at her, before speaking. Would you mind following me to Jordheim? I have something for you. He said, a mischevious grin etching onto his lips. It took them only a few moments to reach the houses hidden in the trees, and another moment for Saul to retrieve what he was looking for.

Welcome to Vinátta Luella, please feel free to choose a house to live in. He said, before pressing the bundle of fur into her arms. The larger deer skin contained a fox pelt and a rabbit pelt, a hunting knife and a smaller dagger, as well as a bottle of wine and the customary Frithr necklace that they all wore. With a smile, he allowed her to look around, hoping she would like it here.

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