Let's do some stupid shit

Enough was enough. Wounded or not, she was going for it. Alexey wondered if she was doing this out of affection for the girl, or simply because her morals wouldn't allow her to go on pretending like nothing ever happened. It was a spur of the moment decision, and she had no set plan of action, but her determination was fierce and reckless. Perhaps Firefly had something to do with that newly acquired personality trait. The Filix hadn't even bothered finding Haku to tell him about her plans, tracking that man down was a hassle in itself and there was no time to waste.

She had mentally prepared herself for the worst possible scenarios, half-expecting some kind of disastrous discovery. No matter what she found though, Gabriel's daughter would suffer the consequences of whatever her clan had done to her multi-colored friend. Lexey already had her mind set on killing the Aquila's kid if it came down to it. She was just a child, yes, but so was Firefly.

Alexey was almost out of the pack lands: she had already crossed Wolfville and she was now headed for Whisper Beach. Her eyes mirrored stress and uncertainty to the rest of the world as a mixture of thoughts and emotions clashed with the little common sense she had left. What she was about to do was borderline suicidal, and she would need a miracle to pull it off. However, the Koios femme was willing to die trying. Her legs hurt with every step she took, but the pain jolting through her limbs wasn't enough to slow her down.


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