hands of uncertainty

whoops! made corrections. :]

The voice made him jump to his feet. He nearly shouted in surprise, but he suppressed it for the sake of the others. The girl before him was unfamiliar, though her scent wasn't; it was similar to Laruku's, who she was sitting beside now. How curious. "I know Jasper," he answered, gesturing to the pale boy. "But I'm taking care of all of them, really." He shrugged, then glanced away as he headed toward the cupboard across the room. There was a second water jug in there, room temperature but hydrating none-the-less. Unscrewing the jug, he filled a baster with the water, then screwed the cap back on and closed the cupboard. He paused, glancing at Rachias, then crossed the distance to Jasper's side. "Is that your father?" he asked to the girl, jerking his head at Laruku before crouching to Jasper's level.
He was guessing, but it seemed likely. Endymion wondered if he would do the same—watch over him—if it were Salvaged lying there. Or Thorn, even. He didn't know. He couldn't know. He would probably never know. Sighing, the wolf gently prodded the pale boy's shoulder. "Water?" he whispered softly, hoping the boy was willing to take it.

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