Putting our heads together
Yay, low speech![html]

Pilot bent down, resting both hands on his knees as he tried to study the bird’s wing better. He would definitely need their skill if he had any hopes of recovering. It looked rather painful too, and it was obviously clear that flying wasn’t reasonable. He nodded at Hanna, raising the language the remained dormant in the back of his mind.

"Don’t worry, friend. We’re here to help." He gestured with one hand towards his friend, then back towards himself. "This here is Hanna and I am Pilot." He rose to his full height then, reassuring the dark colored Dahlia de Mai member. "He shouldn’t bite you now," he told her. The bird had offered a loud call as a response to Pilot’s words, asking for help. "She’ll take a look at your wing for you," he told the hawk.


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