Forever could just mean tomorrow

OOC: Agh, the shared account said Asha Amara not Jazper! *glares at avatar for being wrong!*

Riding slowly across the lands Asha had spent the past few days camping as she traveled, learning hte territories of this new land. With a sigh she released a groan which was shortly follwed by Jaya's voice, 'Do I want to know? The Amara girl rolled her eyes and pouted as the traveled, sniffing the air in attempts to follow a dim trail of her leader. A call rang in her ears as it drifted along with the wind. Red tinted ears perked in unison with her foot gently nudging Aidan. The chocolate colored mustang started forward and Jaya's beats increased, the three all knew the drill. They charged, one mind towards the sight of the call.

As the aproched the scent grew. With a twitch of her nose Asha's ears perked once more and her hand moved to the sword that was banging against the horse. With a slight tug on Aidans mane they slowed coming over a hill and into view of a small gathering of wolves. Her father and leader included. Nearing the group Asha dismounted leaving the mustang to roam free as Jaya's solid hawk form landed on her exstended right paw. Drawing him in closer to her chest protectivly as she joined the group. She nodded her greetings as she looked around slightly confused at the strangers, "Hi, I'm Asha Amara." The introduction was conserved, leaving not even a glimps of her previous confusion.

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