We still kill the old way

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I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

Slay almost didn't show up. He was always late to such gatherings, but it was a reluctant habit to show his face anyway, after hemming and hawing for a while on the sidelines. Still, there were so many strangers this time! There were pups, a pair of them, something he hadn't seen in such a long time. Slay liked being around children, since they were open-minded and playful and all the things he wanted to be but had to pretend. He liked taking on a 'big brother' role, leading them to mischief but always willing to get them out of it. It surprised him, though, to see them - he hadn't been gone that long, so surely they must be adopted...?
Then there was the male, older than he was (surprisingly), and also without a mate, although he thought he caught a whiff of Mew about the curious gentleman. Then again, his nose was all confused; he thought he had scented at least two other strangers on his way here, but they had not chosen to join the hunt, apparently.
And yet, the biggest surprise was not the strangers that had joined, but the strangers that would be joining them soon - Firefly was with child! Despite the promiscuous rumours surrounding the two Sadira cousins, he had not imagined them to be the first to spawn a true Dahlia de Mai descendant. At first congratulations sprung to his lips; then he saw how surly the mated pair seemed, and decided against it. Besides, any child of both Haku and Firefly was sure to instinctively dislike him from the get-go.

In such an unfamiliar and hostile company, Slay would not have participated. But then he watched the sleek Cwmfen join their party, fluid and capable as always, now accompanied with a feathered companion. "Radiant raven," he repeated softly under his breath, amused by the turn of events. His nickname of choice for the snow-white ladies had always been "doves"; to continue the bird concept, the midnight-furred female was his only "raven". How ironic, that now she was followed by one in reality.

And then Cercelee arrived, and he could not stay away. Hunting was his responsibility; every once in a while, should he not fulfill said duties? Sighing heavily, he trotted behind her, noticing that the Rosea seemed a little more tired than usual in the morning light. "G'morning, dovely; pleasant day to go for a delightful promenade and kill something, mm?"

He smiled to Cwmfen, winked at the unfamiliar pups, and then saved respectful wary nods for Haku, Firefly, and the grey stranger. This was quite a large group - they would have to be hunting deer. Perhaps he could run in tandem with the woad-marked huntress again...? Or simply hang back with Cercelee, like good old times. She should be fun to tease, so early in the morning.


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