you can sing along

For Glider and any of the other Phoenix pups if they want to join in. Big Grin

indent "So, Glider, huh? Well, d’you wanna go and play outside? We can go play in the snows. Oh, and, and! Mebbe we can see Pilot. He promised me that he was gonna give me a piercing just like his. Mebbe he’ll give you one too, if yah want." Icarus was wiggling his little back end by the entrance of their family den, excited at the prospect of having a new sibling. Sure, it didn’t replace the fact that Firefly was gone. But it was an interesting new face. Dad had just brought Glider home the night before, and they didn’t really have much time to play. But the day was young, and they would still have plenty of time before Icarus’ curfew was imposed.

indent The chocolate brown Phoenix whelp leapt out the entrance of the den and bounded a few feet in the snow. "Come on, Glider! We can build a snow wolf!" He was eager to teach his new sibling all the ins and outs of Storm. Maybe he would even come with him to Clouded Tears and the other lands of Bleeding Souls.


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