Wash away the years

indentIt was odd, really, how things seemed to turn out. Phasma wouldn't have ever imagined that she would making her way to the borders of Jaded Shadows to scout because it was now her home. Of course, the prospect of living anywhere but Syemv had been something that had never imagined also. In a way it felt right, living with a mother figure, her adopted son, the one that she herself banished from her own pack. As she neared the borders of her new home, Phasma spied a figure in the distance. He was unique looking, not someone that Phasma could easily mistaken for someone else, and at the sight of him she gave a faint, friendly sort of smile.

indentHis words, though quiet, were welcome as they were spoken, if not a bit disheartening. It was no surprise that her absence from Storm had yet to be noticed, then again, there weren't many in Storm that even knew she existed. In one way or another the majority of them were related, and yet, nothing there felt like family. She never felt she had a place. Syemv had been small families, if that, but it had always felt like one large family. "Irreconcilable differences." She said as she stopped, a sad sort of tone taking over. They might have been able to work it out, but at the moment that she and Phoenix had met and spoken, she understood that he wouldn't then listen to reason. Which was why she had decided that she wouldn't stay and listen to accusations.


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