Wash away the years

indentThat was how most arguments started, she figured, over different thoughts and beliefs. That wasn't why she'd chosen to leave Storm though. She could have easily dealt with the difference of opinion, she wanted to discuss it with him, to tell him why it worried her and her thoughts about it all. It had gone beyond that though, despite how much she hadn't wanted it to. Adjusting herself where she stood, Phasma wrapped the blanket moreso around her than before, giving a sad look when he spoke once more.

indent"He told me his story, the one who was exiled, and when I left them I did the only right thing that I could think of." She paused then, still confirming in her mind that she felt what she had done was right. "I went to Inferni to get the other side of the story. I know they're disliked but that doesn't mean their actions aren't justified from time to time." She still didn't even know why they attacked Aremys. "He reversed the exile because he didn't agree with it in the first place, because the one exiled was a friend of his." Phasma let out a short sigh, shaking her head. "I exiled my own son from Syemv for actions that he had taken, to keep the peace between Storm and Syemv."


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