We still kill the old way

One last round of replies and we are done here. Thank you all for participating! I will make sure to add your game points when the thread is done. 400+

He had lost his overview over the hunt, because impressive antlers were right behind him, and he knew they could do permanent damage if the deer caught up with him. His limbs worked on full speed, and Haku’s tongue already hung out of his mouth like a piece of dead meat. The dove had fallen, but Haku did not even notice as he had more important things to focus on. A heavy fall sounded, and the chase had ended in a fountain of red from the stag’s throat. Haku slowed down and turned around to face the scene. His lungs screamed for more air than he could provide, and he stood there panting for a while, watching the scene. He gave out a loud bark, primarily directed to the puppies and Firefly that the hunt was over and successful.

He was quite surprised. It had all happened so fast. The stag was clearly visible, and not too far away, he believed he could spot Lubomir and Cwmfen’s forms over something brown and crimson. He was puzzled. The hunt had gone extremely well, and he could not fully understand how it had gone so smoothly. He did not disapprove of course. They had gotten down two fully grown animals almost instantly. There would be fresh meat for days, and a lot that could be stored away. He gulped down several mouthfuls of air before he walked towards Cercelee and Slay standing over the stag. He looked up at the oddly coloured male with something similar to admiration in his eyes. He was impressed by the canine’s quick acting. Feel free to start the meal. He offered a respectful nod to the male before he turned and found his way to the dove.

Well done. The male said to the two wolves. Haku’s mouth was dry and his fangs unused, which did not please him, but it was his own fault. The stag had charged straight away, which was very unusual. It had just been a coincidence. Lets drag it to the rest of the hunting party. Cercelee always fancied them feast on the animals afterwards, and he supposed it would be more social if they did not split into two groups. He slightly hoped they would only go on one of the animals, so that the other could be parted and shared out amongst the present wolves. Haku was well up for the job of being the butcher. He never ate after a hunt. Not while there were still things left to do.

He dug his fangs deep into the dove’s front leg and slowly started to drag the game towards its dead mate.


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