We still kill the old way
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The female was not disappointed, for the male did indeed take that opportunity that she provided for him. The woad warrior struggled only momentarily with the frantic prey animal before she caught the male’s fatal attack in her peripheral vision. The deer was afraid and thus irrational, and its throat was laid bare fore the male hunter to take. And he took it. The smell of fresh blood permeated through the air like a sweet perfume as the snap of both the jaws and the neck cut through the air, and as she felt the strength of the animal weaken, the black female allowed herself to remove her jaws from the animal’s side. And then the struggling had stopped, and the doe was dead. It had been an easy hunt, but it had not made the experience less. As Lubomir howled briefly of their victory, the female smiled and stood aside, as if the dead animal needed the extra space. Curtly, her white gaze searched across the field for the others, and she found that their deer had been felled as well. She was glad that the pack had achieved both of their goals, for it spoke of their competence and hence their ability to survive.

Cwmfen’s attention was returned to Lubomir. She nodded in return as he turned toward her. The grey male had demonstrated his competence, and so her opinion of him increased. A light laughter like silver toned bells and a smile that showed her white fangs was her only response to his words. She would enjoy that—to feel the life of such a large prey wither beneath her. She had yet to experience such a thing. This hunt had been her second deer hunt, the first having been with Slay. In both occasions, she had allowed the males to complete the kill, not that she held any sort of resentment because of that. But perhaps at their next meeting she would be able to have a try at it. She wondered of when Lubomir spoke, but her thoughts were suddenly broken when Haku arrived from across the way. The smile faded as her gaze lifted to greet the approaching Lilium.

She nodded silently to the superior male’s complement. He seemed discontent, but she knew it was not about the outcome of the hunt. Yet, she was not aware of what had occurred with the hunt of the stag for she had been occupied with the doe, and she could not understand now what it was that troubled him. And yet, that was a mere trifle. With a graceful leap, the female placed herself near the chocolate Lilium, taking up her own grip upon the deer as she helped drag it to the others. She wondered why she had placed herself in such proximity to the male, for she was only placing herself in a place that made her question many things. The white orbs looked up to find Lubomir as she interrupted her own thoughts and she smiled with her eyes for her mouth was full.


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