when you were young
I thought this was rather perfect, since I was supposed to be starting threads for both of you ages ago. We can just throw them all together! :3[html]

This morning brought more clouds and he found himself missing the blue sky which had shown itself a few days ago but slipped back again into the gray. Of course, he realized that if all he had were blue skies, he would like to have more of the gray, and so he had developed a foundation of understanding of the nature of beings and the constant pursuit of satisfaction that never was achieved. Jesile didn't really mind though, because he knew that it would not stay this way forever. Walking along the beach so many mornings, afternoons and nights had taught him a thing or two about the changing tides ― the literal and the metaphorical. He had come to love the sea, the sand, the wind, the rain, the snow...everything. And he had continued to walk the beach, even this morning, until he came upon a glimmer of potential excitement.

There was a younger boy (fiddling with some sort of creature with a shell), and also a girl who seemed to be about the same age as himself (questioning the other boy). Without a second thought, he approached the pair, and as he did he noticed that the question was a crab.
"Careful," he advised, trotting for a few strides in order to cover more ground more quickly. He had never had the unfortunate experience of crab claws latched onto him, but they had snapped at him one day not long after he had met Faolin and agreed to staying in Inferni. Ever since then, those claws had not looked at all inviting. He grinned a little though, and stepped toward the crab a little further, then looked to the girl and then back to the boy. Perhaps he would successfully pounce it, and if not, he was there, as was the female, to help in case it was needed.


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