Black as Sin
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words: 232
ooc: short, sorry! ;__;

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

The swinging pup kicked and squirmed, as he expected. The big male did not flinch, however, and calmly continued on his way as she went limp between his jaws. There, this wasn't so hard, he thought to himself. Maybe the rebellious girl had run out of tricks already.
It was not so. Her next tactic came as a surprise, as her squeaky voice piped up with a broken phrase of something Slay could finally understand. "You spo' Englith! Tha's great, Avarith!" he mumbled around his mouthful, pale eyes alight with triumph. This was a great step! Sometimes it seemed like the kids were simply refusing to speak the language, despite knowing bits and pieces of it. "Maybe oo ca' help your bruvvers and sisters wi' it now!" His grin widened from ear to ear, not realizing that this would in fact bother Avarice even more.

He wasn't expecting her to scream at the top of her lungs, though, and like any rookie parent, made the mistake of dropping her to the ground. "Did I hurt you, Ava?" he stammered, spitting tan hairs and coal dust from his mouth. "If you're really hungry, I was going to catch you a fish at the river while you got cleaned up. We could eat together..." He tried to keep his paws on either side of her, in case she bolted. She wasn't faking, was she?


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