Black as Sin

!! 219.
though it's easy to pretend, i know you're not a fool

The youthful drama queen was working this father figure male shifted into a panic mood trying to talk to her in German. She wasn’t hurt and was loving that he was losing up on the idea of her going to get a bath, the girl’s eyes rolled up looking up at him with a new shimmer...a hope that she now to make her break for it. She gave her tail a little wiggle as she jumped up and hopped like one of the brown toads that she seen in the pack lands. She looked over to the male as she shook her coat more of the sot shaking off her coat as she looked over at the male, her tail whipped around. She didn’t want to get a stinking bath, no matter how nice he might be, she didn’t want to get a bath. She knew that the only way to get away from the male was to play hurt her own mother feel for this trick a few time and then after that she wised up, but this male didn’t know her…she was the smartest out of all the pups. ”Nr. Wanne” She mocked him smiling as her tail flipped around as she looked at him as she threw her paws down onto the ground wagging her tail.


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