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OOC:bloopbloop goes the fishie

His yelling his screaming, it was all for nothing. She didn't want to hear it, and he was right. Some part of her was unaccepting and not wanting to hear it. Everytime she saw him now she saw him, holding her mother, kissing and groaning as he pushed himself inside the women. The same women who had killed her father and taken her right eye. With his hand on her neck and behind her head she narrowed her eyes at him. What did he think he could prove? She planned to make him know what she felt. "You want to know something Leroy. I was never yours, I've always been Haku Souls. And I should have let him rip your throat out that day in the cabin." Her words were dark and dangerous.

She wasn't going to let him think it would be all better. He'd betrayed her and nothing would make the anger go away. She didn't care what made him do it, or what excuse he gave to her. Pulling out of his hold she sneared at him. "Get over yourself, you think you can just come in and make it all better? Kiss my ass. Go find some dumb ass pretty girl if that's what you want. We don't live in a fairy tale." The girls said roughly before giving him her back. There was no end to her brutality.


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