the warmest part of the winter - p mati
The white man was glad to see her embracing new challenges. If there was anything he wanted to impart to her, it was to live her life completely. Dark times would come, as they usually did one way or another, but creating memories like this would give her the strength she needed to temper the negativity. She could find the courage to face new, small challenges in life. And if she could do that, she would be able to face the challenges ahead of her. He didn't think of himself as a wise man, and he wouldn't have thought to give her this advice. But doing these things with her was a subconscious thing. He wanted the best for her, so she could protect the light in her eyes.

Lannen tread water next to her, content to stay where she was. He was glad to see that her confidence didn't waver when she reached his side. He smiled at her, and for a moment a cloud passed over the moon. Her eyes glinted, the color of plums in the darkness. The white man had never seen eyes that color before. He just kind of looked at her for a few moments, wanting to memorize the way her eyes looked in the dark. When the moon broke through the clouds, he looked away, back into the water.

"Lots of surprises," the white man said softly. He smiled at her, glad to be there with her to share the night. So much had happened to her in a short time, but she adapted well. It gave him confidence that she would continue to grow up strong, able to face new situations. Water rippled around his fingers as he splayed them in the water and let them sink below the surface.

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