Learning Life's Lessons
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Gooseberry green gaze watched Catalyst as he spoke. It was interesting to see how her expressions changed as he mentioned different things. At the mention of who he was building the greenhouse for, the pup had immediately piped up with a question about who this person was or where they lived. She really did seem to have endless curiosity. That was a good thing to have for one so young. She would learn many things that way. "Her name is Colibri Haki, she lives that way, on the edge of town," Rath finished by pointing northward towards the border of Wolfville. He actually had not seen Coli's house, but he had met her close to the edge of Wolfville, and when it had begun to rain she had run off as if she knew exactly where to seek shelter. It was only logical that he would assume Deuce's house had been nearby. Thinking about the shy wolfess made Rath wonder exactly what was going on in her life. He hadn't seen anybody for almost a week, until young Catalyst had happened upon him. Before her, he had met Tokyo Chance, although she and him hadn't necessarily acquainted themselves with one another very well. She had seemed more interested in his craft than in himself. Oh well, perhaps it was just in his nature to be solitary, even when he was part of a pack.

The ruddy hued male didn't have long to dwell upon his loneliness before the young female's voice chimed with more questions for him. "I don't know how long it will take me, but it will probably take me a few months to finish, especially since I'll be doing most of the work myself." The white flecked, shaggy werewolf shook his head slightly, his lips curved in a grin. He really should try and seek out the few individuals he knew within the pack. Perhaps he could persuade at least one of them to assist him in his task. Oh well, another task for another day. For now he turned to answering the odd-eyed pups final question. "There are so many steps because there are lots of pieces I have to make by hand. Then I have to put them all together in just the right way. It's like a big puzzle, but you have to make all the pieces first," Rath replied, hoping that the pup would understand his analogy. Even he wasn't precisely sure what a puzzle was, only that it had been some sort of human passtime involving numerous pieces that they would have to rearrange to produce a picture. As he knelt there with Cat in front of him, the muscular brute couldn't help but wonder why things which he understood as second nature could be so hard for him to explain.


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