soft spoken with a broken jaw
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It was a gorgeous day today. Savina was laying on a rock on her stomach, letting the sun soak into her sable pelt. Her wavy mane cascaded down her back. Her son was sprawled out next to her, his eyes closed and a content smile on his little maw. The girls were spending time with their father today. Her mate was surely reading them something, maybe even beginning to teach them how to read. The Lt. General had wanted to spend time outside with Gotham though. Even now she could see that he had the qualities of leadership in him. He was compassionate and she could see the strength inside her boy. He may be quiet, but he wasn't shy. He chose his words wisely. She couldn't say what would happen in the ranks of the pack or how he would develop further down the line, but the things she wanted to show him today were important for any member.

The mother rose slightly, turning on her side and nudging her dozing pup with her nose. "Mmm, yes momma?" "Would you like to go walk the borders with me Gotham? I could teach you about how to handle those who come to visit and marking." The small boy stood up yawning. "Sure momma." She smiled down at her child that had inherited her coat. "Alright then my little prince, let's be off." She stood up and stretched her arms, then jumped from the rock, reaching back up to lift Gotham down. He grinned up at her, his little tail wagging, and followed at her heels as they headed in the direction of the borders. The last time she had taken all the pups with her an unpleasant woman had gotten after Amata. But her daughter had wandered away from the group while Savina had tended to a bur in Gotham's paw. She knew her son was responsible enough to stick close.

She explained a great deal of things to him while they walked. Why they marked the borders and why it was important to keep them fresh. The various reasons that loners and wolves from other packs would come to their borders. How border duties were conducted. What the etiquette was when approaching someone on the borders. How those wishing to join the pack were handled. Gotham took it all in, nodding his head and asking questions to clarify his mother's points. He was so bright. All their children were. Then up ahead in the distance she saw a man turn away from the lands and start to walk off. She hadn't heard a call, but didn't want someone to walk away that needed help. The slender woman scooped up her son and called after him. "Hello! Was there something you needed help with?"


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