Learning Life's Lessons


Colibri Haki. Catalyst would come to know of the solitary and shy female soon enough, although while she was receiving this information in the present, she wasn’t necessarily good with remembering names down the road, something that she had to work on with her maturity and growth process. Following the motion of him directing to where Colibri resided, Catalyst gave a simplistic nod at this. Perhaps she would have to go visit one of these days, despite the fact that soon enough would she run into Colibri on her own curiosity and explanation, and the two would discuss the day’s duration about different types of flowers and the like. Speaking of which, was Henratha the only one who lived by himself? Catalyst wondered if he had family members or perhaps a guardian like she has that resided with him. Taking the topic off of Colibri and his line of work for a moment, Catalyst was curious about the large male and where his origins came from. “I see… do you’s live here? Do you’s have any siblings or guardians?” Catalyst certainly came from a good clutch of puppies, one that held variety and number, and wondered if perhaps Rath had the same deal with his own family matters and lineage.

Going back to his line of work and the completion of the greenhouse, the mention of a matter of months surprised the young girl’s ears. “Wow, months?! Tha’s a long time!” For something that, in the eyes of a pup, looked so simple from initial appearance and the pieces that went into melding actually house like structures, she was surprised to hear that such buildings took that long to complete. Speaking of which, houses reminded her of the conversation she previously had with Cwmfen, and how she told her that most housing structures that were found were built by the humans. “Oh! Y’ know wha’? Cwmfen told me tha’ houses were built by humans, is tha’ true?” Cwmfen certainly wouldn’t lie about such a thing, for Catalyst knew she was a smart warrior, but she wanted to hear what Rath thought about that. “She said th’ humans built lots of stuff ‘round here. Did you know a’ human, did they teach you t’ build?” Catalyst concluded that if the humans were responsible for the ruins they left behind, then possibly Rath could have gained some of the building knowledge from real time humans that were around? That was Catalyst only assuming, of course. She never seen an actual human before, and wondered what they were like, and how they got so smart as to be building the things that Rath built.

Putting it in simplistic explanation of why there were so many steps to building, Catalyst figured, well, that made sense sure enough. She knew what a puzzle was, a puzzle had a lot of confusing pieces, and making the pieces to a puzzle? That surely sounded like some hard stuff indeed. “Oh.” Was her simplistic reply, complying with Rath on his explanation. “Don’ you ever get confused, though? Like wha’ pieces go where?” She could remember her brain would be teased by an immense amount of pieces that often took time to place in the right spot, given that their corners and niches matched up.


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