soft spoken with a broken jaw
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Gotham repositioned himself in her arms. He had been laying on his back, but he squirmed and wriggled until he was on his belly. Savina smiled down at her son and gently pet the top of his soft, dark head. She was glad that it was him with her right now and not her daughters. Cambria probably would have been startled by Jefferson's appearance and that same appearance would have prompted a flood of questions from Amata. But her quiet, calm boy was perfect for a situation like this. He watched and observed, undoubtedly taking everything in, but not feeling the need to speak unless he truly didn't understand something. He remembered meeting the lady named Geneva who was the subject of this conversation and she had seemed nice, but now he also found himself wondering why she would have left Crimson Dreams.

Had Geneva been close to anyone here. Yes, of course she had. "Yes, she was close to many of us. Myself, our Commander Naniko, Anu, their children, my brother. She was quite a prominent member of the pack and we all loved her." It was for those reasons that her refusal to stay was even more puzzling. She knew that she and Anu had been very close and Anu hadn't wanted her to leave any more than the rest of them. As much as such questions nagged at her, she had other things to worry about, like the wolves that still lived here. It wasn't that she didn't care about Geneva, but the woman had made her choice. "We try our best to live a quiet and peaceful life here. Of course that doesn't always happen, as I'm sure you know." Any pack leader knew of the troubles that inevitably arose. Trouble couldn't be avoided forever.


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