Notes On Pulling the Sky Down


“The can be found among some other wildflowers, usually on the bright side of a hill. At least that it where I have been able to find them the past two years. “ The pale female spoke with a smile. She was proud at her ability to search and find all different types of flowers. Though Colibri, the Dahlia wolfess, was the only one that had found her favorite of flowers, the ladies slipper. “Once I find them, I take the entire root system, soil and everything. Then its into it's new spot in the garden.” It sounded a little easier then it actually was. One still needed to worry about fungi, insect, and diseases. If the soil was too dry, too wet. Each of them could be detrimental to the newly planted flowers. And then there was the unknown, the things she could not diagnose.

She looked at his den, peering curiously inside and then turned to look at the weak sunlight. It was there, and that was all she needed to know. The clouds would not remain forever, so she didn't worry. She guessed it was passed midday, and the sun could still be felt on her face. It was a good place; he would like the warmth in the winter months.

Anu looked at the soil, it was hard where she stood at the entrance of the cave. It was a high traffic area, and not a good place. Blue eyes glanced at the male, “You have good sunlight. Even though its cloudy.” She beckoned him closer. “Stand here, you can feel it.” She watched him, and then moved her thoughts back to the ground. “Here I think,” she said feeling the ground beneath her footpaws. She stood at the side of the entrance, but not right against the rock. The land rose slightly, and was soft.

“The soil here will drain nicely.” The words coming as she kneeled to the ground, waiting for him to bring the pot to the ground.


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