Notes On Pulling the Sky Down

It was becoming clear that it wasn't just growing the plants that was difficult. Finding them would have to be at least as hard, and from what Anu was saying she had to do, so was getting them back to one's garden. Hemming knew that some plants could have ridiculously extensive root systems, and trying to carve it all out of the earth would be a task requiring immense dedication. Gardening didn't require just hard work, either, it also required a large amount of knowledge. "Wow," Hemming commented quietly, impressed.

He watched as Anu inspected the soil and the level of sunlight, admiring the application of her knowledge. Pleased that he had good sunlight (though he wasn't completely sure if she just meant a good amount, or if there was a special quality of it that he was unaware of), he stepped over and immediately felt it warming his fur. "That is quite nice," he said, "Can I be planted here?" He flashed her with another coy grin and moved out of the way sheepishly as she contemplated the soil quality. After he had said the words, he thought that perhaps they had made it seem as if he wasn't taking it seriously, and immediately adopted a contemplative expression.

Anu made her final verdict, and Hemming placed the pot carefully down beside the chosen land, squatting as he did so and reaching out a hand to feel the soil. Not only would it be a good place for the flower to live, the position was appealing to Hemming. With a grin, he looked up to Anu and concurred, "Okay." He was still in awe of her knowledge, and was eager to learn. "So, should I dig a little hole here?" The wolf didn't have any tools, so he would use his hands. Gardening implements would be something quite useful to make out of wood, if he was able to develop a good design, and he put that down on a mental list of things to experiment with.

james made this


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