Notes On Pulling the Sky Down
pish posh!

Mystery was one of the most beautiful things, and perhaps knowing was even more wonderful. The world worked in the strangest, most marvelous ways, and reducing the mystery by learning little things about it was never a disappointment. Beneath the surface of what was seen every day was a delightful history, a tale of triumph and failure, of mountains moving and of oceans parting. Hemming would never tire of these things, and would never stop marvelling at the things he didn't know. The humans had uncovered much of the natural world, describing it in the tonnes of books they left behind in their grand libraries. They were now one of the greatest mysteries, defined by the domination they had had of the earth and many of its creatures. The fiction they had spun gave generous insights into their world, and their newspapers chronicled their lives. The humans had been a self-documenting people, and now that they were gone this fact served those who were interested well.

Amber eyes settling on Anu's when she spoked, Hemming tipped his head to his side and replied with a slight laugh, "You know, I thought something about him seemed familiar." A lopsided smile crept up his maw. She suggested that they should go back to the bay, together, and his smile became wide enough for teeth to peek through. "Yes! It's a good distance away, but it's a nice walk. I would like that." He was always up for taking a trip, and having good company would make it all the better. Dagrun chirped cheerfully from the top of Hemming's head. She hadn't been there when he had found the fossil, and it was hard to say whether her cheep was out of excitement to go fossil hunting, or to go on a trip, or if it was because Anu would come along. The wolf assumed it was all three.

james made this


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