She'll shake it all about!
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Her little bum swayed back and forth rhythmically, and the girl hummed along so that she had something to move after. An excited grin had already conquered her face, and she slowly moved around in an uneven circle wagging that bum of her, tail whipping against the different plants that surrounded her. The girl wondered if she should have dragged Claudius along so that he too could shake off some of that tension he always seemed to carry around with him. He was so quiet, very smart, but Noir though that he often seemed sad because of his way of being. She had never liked the way Attila treated his sibling, but she could not always be around to protect him either. Thankfully they had all grown a bit, but the pale brother of theirs still seemed to enjoy picking on the runt of the litter. The girl pushed those thought away, determined that this would be a dance with only good and happy thoughts. Sad thoughts could possibly make it into a sad rain dance, and that was not what Noir wanted!

The girl’s odd dance faltered a bit when a black form approached slowly. For a moment the girl bluntly assumed it was Ember, but as the adult came closer it was revealed that this was someone that Noir did not know at all. The young wolf’s movements ceased and the smile slowly faded away. Dawali had promised that the puppy eater was dead, but the girl still felt somewhat anxious when she met complete strangers, especially when they were trespassers coming into Aniwaya territory. Blonde ears folded backwards in quiet disapproval of the interruption of her lovely dance, but the girl stayed quiet. The woman said hello to her, and those golden orbs slowly sized up the larger adult. Brennt had not said hello, so perhaps this was a good adult. The girl felt annoyed because of her automatic assumption of that trespassers were mean. Brennt was dead and she was not really a tiny puppy any longer either. The woman had said hi, and had been careful when she had entered the scene. She was probably a good person.

The child’s tail, which had been strangely still during this time, started to move again, slowly building up to its previous speed. ”I’m dancing and celebrating and I want the sun to come out, you must dance too, or else it will not work.” There was a serious tone in the girl’s light voice. She had come to meet Noir because this dance was important. Why else could she be in the middle of the sowing field?! Noir slowly starting to move again, turned around and shook her bum at the woman, showing the adult how to dance. ”I am Noir, dance dance dance!” the girl added merrily, that smile back on her lips. Perhaps it was only male trespassers that ate puppies. Either way, Noir had decided that this woman was okay, but only if she danced along. If not, then the puppy would grow suspicious.


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