Notes On Pulling the Sky Down
ah, lovely post!

It happened every time that the two wolves were together. They created their own little world and subsequently disappeared into it, the crueler outside world lost on them. These hidden worlds were a treat, where wonder took wing and play lapped at every shore. The darkness was falling outside, but the sun was always up in their world, feeding the hungry leaves of lovely flowers. Adventure, not only physical but emotional, awaited each time one stepped into it. Hemming sometimes longed to live there forever, but real life needed tending to, as well.

He laughed as she continued their rhyme and pointed a finger in his direction to emphasize her words. The wolf always had an eye out for treasures, but to actively hunt for them was a different matter. He wasn't sure that it was something you could learn from someone else, but perhaps he would be able to scrounge up some pointers. He was sure that Anu would be able to find many things even without his help. She was a completely capable soul, and he was sure that she had the patience for anything. That was what searching was, after all, heroic patience. There was a method to it too, but he found that was a skill inherent in most everyone, and was sure that Anu would have developed this even further when she had collected flowers out of the hills. That, after all, was treasure hunting too. Maybe she would be the one teaching him.

The first few rhymes had come with a little trouble, but now they seemed to be springing right from the mouths of the two wolves. "We'll gaze at creatures from the past, and wonder how their stories managed to last," Hemming added, his smile still as wide as ever and his eyes flicking across to his friend.

james made this

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