I can cut you to pieces
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_bloody.jpg); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:230px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px;">
    The hybrid woman absorbed the information eagerly about the healing tool; Inferni did not have any healers that the grizzled old woman was aware of, so her new healing powder would be useful. She would propagate this skill to others, too—it would do her no good if this knowledge went with her to ger grave, a secret formula passed from wolf to coyote and kept where it had started in the coyote world. The cloud-colored woman again smiled, the tips of her teeth displaying agains the shadow of her lips. "You are a kind woman to have taught me this," she said, the words flowing smoothly despite how awkward they felt coming from her muzzle. It was not often Kaena was given to kindness toward whole-blooded wolves.

    The conversation of the old world had made Kaena nostalgic, and she fondly remembered the black D'Angelo wolf. Kaena had not known her well, no—but the hybrid woman had emblazoned her with that mark of the Lykoi, tattooing the symbol permanently to the monochrome female's flesh. Absently, her hand reached out to touch the red star, her fingers tracing over its center. "Misery was the one to give me this mark. I chose it to represent us, but she was the one to put it to my skin," the woman said, a wistful smile on that scarred muzzle. Damian's widow, strangely connected to the de le Poer in her children as strongly as Anselm was through his blood bond. "You come from a powerful family, Naniko. Keep your surname proud." There was again that strange solemn quality to Kaena's tone. The old world was one she thought of very fondly, and D'Angelo was rooted in that former life just as strongly as Lykoi and de le Poer were.

    Though the pallid wolf had spoken many names by now, there was one within her speech that had made Kaena's ears shoot up, her golden eye gleaming with renewed interest as she spoke a name intimately familiar to her. "Conri? Child of Hollow Nothing?" the woman asked, again that same curiosity showing on her face. She did not know that there were still Nothings in this part of the world; Stygian and Ahemait had reproduced elsewhere, continuing that family elsewhere. She was curious now; she had heard the child was a product of rape. This meeting was turning out to be interesting, indeed. "I knew his father moderately well," the woman said, though there was that creeping sense of pride in her voice. Hollow Nothing had been a great wolf and an ally to Inferni.

    The woman nodded in response to the woman's question, taking a breath. Her family was a subject she could speak at length about. "I have had many children. Thirteen survived to adulthood, and four died before their first year had passed. My eldest known son, Gabriel, is the Aquila of Inferni. His brother Molochai lives there with us. Their father was Ahren de le Poer. Maybe you knew him as the king of Chimera?" she ventured, her glittering single eye focusing on the white wolf. It seemed most of her children were the descendants of kings and devils, both frauds and truer evils. Salvaged Eternity had never claimed to be a demon, but Kaena had seen him for what he was. Astaroth might not have truly been a demon himself, but his children certainly were. "My other son, Samael, roams alone here. The others have all moved on. Maybe they will return, someday," she said, faintly wistful. "Some of my grandchildren live in Inferni, as well," she laughed, still finding the idea lovely and difficult to swallow all at once.

thanks to james for the header image

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