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The other female turned to look at Xeris and said her name. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Angel," she replied. "My name is Xeris." The white wolfess considered Angel's words about becoming a healer and being a member of a pack called Shadowed Sun. Xeris was a bit confused; she'd never heard of such a pack. "Well, it's always good to see a new face here in Phoenix Valley. I'm sure you'll love it here." Xeris smiled warmly. Angel then beckoned her off to a small shelter nearby.

Xeris had to admit to herself that the small hut was well-built. She worried a little that the rain might wash away the mud, but for now the structure seemed fairly stable. When Angel turned to begin making a fire, Xeris looked over to her. "You said you're from a pack called Shadowed Sun," she began. "I don't recall ever hearing of a pack called Shadowed Sun. Is it still around?" Xeris suspected that the answer to her question was "no," but couldn't help asking out of curiosity. She still didn't know very much about the lands around her, and wanted to learn as much as she could.


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