Are you like me?

Samantha kept her giddy grin as her tail thumped the ground. She giggled as she sat there, letting the mast go further and further. It was a matter of believing it herself, letting the excitment she wanted to project be felt and then shown. The huntress inside was shifting with happiness at her sucsess so far. The male before her was clear headed it seemed, though probably as dense as all males. A sweet smile and soft words blinded all males, not that she had any intention to do anything to the male. She was genuinly curious if she could find someone like herself here.

When he did speak her ears dropped and she pouted. Coyotes he had said, it was something she would keep in mind for later. So no one here looked like her? It was something she was upset about, but wasn't really affected. Sam was about to speak when the male continued, his advice pricked a nerve. "I am no hybrid dear sir." Her voice had aged and become quite crisp and serious, seeing the break Sam grinned quickly to hide the widows face. "teehee"

Getting to her paws she let her tail wagg and her tall lean body move slightly. She had no intention of letting the widow be seen again, not while she was still hunting. "Guess I got excited for nothing. My bad." She laughed sheepishly her gold eyes averted in a sign of apology. Curiosity was killing her, but she would have to hold it in. Zee could see the slight hesitation in the male, that reluctance to trust. Not that she had anything bad in mind, but she didn't want her own pack to know who she really was...and what she was looking for.


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