A thousand words

sorry for the delay

Faler's head turned at Xeris's words, her eyes lingered on the lighter female as she moved to her wounds. Breathing Faler wasn't surpised by her statment she herself hadn't had many good runins with a coyote, though back at her home coyotes had their share of dislikes to the wolves. Mainly when Faler sent the pack to steal food from their hunting grounds when their's was low. Blinking away her thoughts Faler pushed the books out of her way as she spoke in her strong,smooth voice."I would say you are, from your wounds they looked like they were very experinced fighter" Tiliting her head her bouncey fur moves handsomely as the rain still poured, ears turned as Faler looked at the girls yellow eyes before looking off. Faler couldn't tell if she was different or not, she wasn't even sure what they were called!"Xeris, was you born here or somwhere else? Bi-colored eyes looked out as her tail moved quitely on the floor.


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