If God made you he's in love with me
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The clouds moved almost lazily overhead. It was obvious that it would not rain over this portion of the territory today, and that made her happy. She liked the rain, as it replenished her herb supply, but she also disliked it at the same time. Too much rain was bad for the plants, could kill them. She had seen a healthy, growing patch of herbs disappear under a few feet of deadly water outside of the city. They had been fairly rare ones, too.

Naniko had previously spent most of her time in her Optime form, but her pregnancy had trapped her in her smaller Lupus form. She didn't mind it too much...she just couldn't heal as efficiently or as quickly when she was in this one. The footsteps of another soon reached the female's ears and she rolled over onto her side, not getting up completely. There wouldn't be anything to fear in the pack lands, right? Her tail wagged at the friendly posture of the other and she rose to her feet. "Hello! I'm a bit new...I wasn't in your way, was I?"

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