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Soran was still pacing, her soft curls quickly becoming a mess as she ran her long fingers through them, the curls becoming fluffy twists as opposed to the usual neat ringlets. Her knuckles had begun to crack as she laced her fingers together, her worry causing her to put far much pressure on the joints, making them bend until they clicked. The small sounds went unnoticed though as the jade eyed lady was still deep in thought, as soon as the sun rose she would go back to Clouded Tears; she would go to Naniko's den and see if her boy had gone back there. If he was not then she would scour the lands, all of them if she had to, to find him, she had to find her eldest son, he had been the victim of something terrible and she had not been there for him, she might have been able to help, or even prevent the incident. She couldn't bear the thought that she had not been there for him, or Naniko or her smaller pups. The dark lady blamed herself, she had to find her boy and make things right, make sure that he forgave her, not that she expected forgiveness from him after what she had done.

She continued to pace, her dark feet leading her aimlessly in circles around the clearing where she had left her bag. On and on she walked, until a familiar scent caught in her nostrils, at first she just thought that she was being hopeful, her mind was playing tricks on her, making her think that her eldest boy was nearby after she had spent all day searching for him. It was simply her mind being wishful, but then his voice cut through the air like a scythe through a stem of wheat. Spinning quickly on the balls of her feet, Soran followed the sound, a relieved smile stretching across her dark lips as her jade eyes fell on her son, through some trees just a few paces ahead of her. Now sure that he was not an illusion of a troubled mind she almost lunged forwards, arriving in front of her red boy in a matter of moments.
"Conri." She breathed, her eyes shining with relief at seeing him and worry about him potentially hating her for abandoning him.


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