bloodletting the sun
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    Kansas was perhaps just as excited as Cambria was. He couldn't keep from tapping his fingers idly against his chin, a foot bouncing speedily as he squinted into the horizon for any sign of his daughter. Before long, he spotted her, a tall and lean child moving carefully across the field. He longed to make out the expression on her face, and when she was close enough for him to discern it he immediately felt a rush of happiness. His pale eyes lit up in the special way Cambria caused them to. He felt instantly wonderful, loving the excited sound of her voice as she called out to him. Kansas didn't have a favorite child. He loved all of them equally. But he felt he and Cambria had a special relationship, a strong bond and a deepened understanding of one another.

Hey, little sweetie! he returned brightly. Kansas grinned lopsidedly, thinking it cute that she was unsteady in her Optime form. He remembered very well his first few days of moving on two legs; it had felt very strange and very awkward. He wasn't making fun of her; he understood the caution with which you had to move in order to keep your balance. She was just precious. That was all.

    He remained seated, his tail draped over the kite, hoping she hadn't spotted it yet. Okay, here's... part... of the surprise. Grinning more broadly, the pale wolf reached behind him and pulled out the worn yet beautiful violet kite. Kansas stood up and held it out for her to touch or hold it if she wished. It's a kite. I've been waiting for a windy day for us to try to fly it..., he explained. I read about how to do it. Not... uh, not sure I really understand how to do it, but I'm sure we'll figure it out. His smile waned a little, but not completely. If you want.


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