Step, step right over the line
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Puppy Power!

The dark little pup wandered further and further away from her den. Usually she did not go out on her own, usually she went out with at least her brother if not her brother and sister. Mama came out a lot too. But today both Ehno and Ghita were not feeling well and mama had to take care of them and that left Savina very bored. She had sat and listened to her mama's stories for a little while but then she had had the urge to move around and so had asked permission and now was out on her own personal adventure. It was kind of scary...but exciting too! She hoped that she could find something neat to show her family! Or come up with a fun new game that she could teach to them! Ehno would be jealous of her going on an adventure without him, but it was more an expedition to find fun new things for them to do than her trying to branch out on her own. Her brother was her exploration partner and she would never choose going out on her own over going with him.

The further the little Italian girl walked the more different the scenery around her became. That was odd. She didn't remember any of the forests looking like this. Not only were the woods changing, but the temperature was as well. It had gone from normal to cold almost in an instant. She shivered. What was going on? This was getting weird and kinda creepy. Out of habit she looked to her side but there was no one there. No brave and valiant brother to keep her courage up and no mama to explain the odd phenomenon. She didn't think she had gone all that far from home, but maybe she had? With everything looking so different would she be able to find her way back? Her ears dipped and tail tucked at that frightening thought.

She was about to turn and rush back home when she heard a growl up ahead. It wasn't a scary adult growl though, it sounded more like a puppy. Her curiousity piqued back up. Maybe she could ask the other puppy where this was and then play with them a bit. It would be fun to make a new friend. Savina continued forward but soon her little emeralds grew wide in horror and fear. There was white stuff on the ground and falling from the sky! What was this place?! One of the flakes floated down close to her face and she barked defensively, jumping back. Her attention was now fully on this strange and very wrong occurrence, the existence of another pup temporarily forgotten.


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