like oil and water

With her eyes closed she tried to calm the torrent of opposing thoughts and feelings racing through her. What had she expected really? For Inferni and her family to have changed and turned into some loving, happy place? She almost laughed at the very thought. So why was she so surprised that things hadn't changed? Rikka wanted to be with her family, but what was the cost? She had been happy in The Haight. There people had felt the same way she had, they had loved her for who she was. Not that her family didn't, some did, but still others mistrusted her for simply not harboring the hatred that they did. This was the only place she had ever been where not hating something had been a negative quality instead of a positive. She wouldn't change who she was for them, but would they accept her as she was? It was a question that the woman honestly could not answer.

The longer she stood here by herself the greater the urge to just leave became. To pass her urges off as a temporary foolishness that coming back had solved. Unfortunately she knew that wasn't the case. As soon as she put any distance between herself and the clan she would be overridden with guilt at not sticking around. Inferni held her blood, whether or not she agreed with them they were family, and part of her would not let her abandon that. She sighed again, opening her eyes only to met again with the grisly sight. Fingers ran through her metallic hued hair, hoping someone would show up soon to at least distract her from the skulls whose empty eyes seemed to bore into her soul.

She only had to wait but a second though, and she heard movement and gaze moved to take in the image of her mother. The breath caught in her chest. Once again, something expected surprised her more than it rightfully should have. The Lykoi matron really didn't look that different. A new scar or two, but that was to be expected. Rikka turned to face her mother, taking a few steps closer a little hesitantly. "Hello mother," she said, a soft smile lighting her face. Her own tail waved lightly, but she suddenly felt lost as to where they were supposed to go from here. For the first time in years she needed her mother's guidance.


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