like oil and water
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Homg. XD I have way, way, way too many. >_>

    The hug took Kaena by surprise, but the Optime woman leaned into it immediately, enjoying the warmth and closeness offered. She snapped up any good affection and attention she could get these days, and the thin coyote clung to her daughter for a long minute, still smelling that intoxicating foreign spice all over her fur. Kaena could not identify it; at once it smelled natural and manufactured. It was alluring, to say the least.

    The silver-furred woman found herself smiling still as the golden-furred hybrid expressed her wish to stay in the clan once again, and continued speaking. The coyote knew their relationship was rocky at best, but then again, so was Kaena's relationship with many of her children. She could not reject them for their pasts, excepting the two traitors to the blood. Vitium and Andre both had violated their very clan, and what they had done was unforgivable.

    Kaena hoped Rikka would be able to turn a blind eye to some of what went on in Inferni, but on the whole it was a calmer place than it had been. They did not strike out at the other packs without cause, and as much as Kaena would have liked to hunt down Haku Soul and tear his heart from his chest, there would be none of that so long as there was a semblance of peace between the two groups. The Lykoi woman could not incite a riot on her own, no matter what he'd done to her. After all, it was her fault.

    "Always, no matter what," the hybrid said fondly, reaching forward again to give the tawny-furred girl another, shorter hug, though it was still a tight embrace. "I don't suppose you know your way around here...?" the ashen canine asked, not knowing if Rikka had spent any time in this incarnation of Inferni, or if she only recalled the old coast.


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