like oil and water
This one is the first one I made on coming back and I still like it. GREEEEEN. <3

mall-caps;">In Character

    Kaena could not imagine driving any of her children away—save the bad ones, anyway. There were only two alive she wouldn't welcome back into Inferni—Vitium and Eris. The latter might still be accepted by her kin, and there was nothing Kaena could do, should Gabriel choose to accept her. Kae doubted Gabriel would do that, though. He knew what danger traitorous blood could be, most certainly. Vitium had proved that early on, and Andrezej had reinforced the lesson.

    The hybrid thought they had much to discuss, and being here with the metallic-furred hybrid was helping her mind, certainly. Real happiness flooded through her now without restraight, lifting the fog from her mind. However momentary it was, Kaena was caught up in it, and she did not wish for it to end so she could return to skulking around the borders. "You're my kid," the hybrid said with a grin which mirrored that of Rikka's, if a bit more twisted on account of the scar tissue lacing the elder coyote's visage. "Let's take a walk. We got a lot to talk about, I'm sure," the coyote said, stepping backwards and gesturing for the woman to step over the invisible line separating neutral territory from Inferni territory.

    Kaena didn't know where to start herself; so much had happened since the last time she had seen Rikka. The hybrid did not know if the woman even knew of her younger siblings—certainly Rikka didn't know Kaena had disappeared? The hybrid had no idea that Rikka had been here to visit just once prior to this return now. "We'll head for the caves. That's where most of us live... maybe you'll stake out one of them? Or there's the mansion if you're more comfortable," the coyote said, hoping perhaps Rikka might take up residence in the central hub of Inferni. Either way, she was here—that was all that mattered. "Tell me, where have you been? What have you done?" the hybrid questioned, eager to soak up anything her daughter had to tell her.


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