like oil and water
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You maed this! Big Grin

    It seemed only natural to spend some time together after so long apart, and the hybrid woman was glad to take this opportunity to learn what had been going on in her daughter's life. Rikka expressed enthusiasm at the idea, which only made Kae feel better. She needed this sort of attention and mutual doting; it felt good to reconnect with family and it was certainly keeping her mind from spiraling back to the dank hole Haku had ripped into her. The werewolf walked forward slowly, keeping pace with the tawny-furred woman beside her, leading her steadily deeper into Inferni territory. Rikka spoke, and Kae's good ear rotated to catch the sounds of her voice, listening with interest as she glanced at the woman now and again.

    Kaena was still quite amazed at how old Rikka was now; she certainly didn't look old, but she was clearly an adult, several times larger than her small puppy self. Kaena could still remember when the girl was young, a tiny and furry thing nestled next to her siblings. She dearly missed having small children around; the coyote woman was a far sight different than the canine who had considered her first (well, first somewhat intended)pregnancy a complete burden and high on the list of the terrible things that had happened to her. Now, she would not have traded her children for the world. Kae was glad to hear Rikka planned on living in the caves; the center of Inferni was the hub of activity, after all, and they all liked to be around that area.

    "There's plenty of them, and the area sits up against the inlet. Pretty at sunset," the hybrid commented, listening on as Rikka informed the hybrid woman of her travels. She laughed her raspy laugh, a very foreign sound for Kaena as of late. "You'll get along with Razekiel pretty well, I think," the hybrid offered. "I've been to such a place. Less of the commune vibe but the same principal—they were mostly hybrids, though." Kae recalled her time spent among the Malai Ratree quite fondly, though she still thought they were a rather strange bunch.

    The ashen-furred hybrid shook her scarred head. "I've been back since the beginning of the summer. Corona was gone by the time I got back," the hybrid said sadly. She missed her other daughter, even if the pair was rather distant. "I don't know if you remember Razekiel and Samael's father, Astaroth? He kidnapped Eris, one of my youngest, and I chased him down. She left me after that. Wandered, like you did, and came back, just the same," the coyote said simply. So many of their stories were the same. Home had been a beacon calling her back the whole time, however, and it was her lack of geographical knowledge that had kept her away in the later months of her hiatus.

Table thanks to Erin!

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