let this world drown in these ultrasounds

Lexeyloo! 300+

........The Cadet of Crimson Dreams was outside of her packlands again, and for her this was quite the surprising thing. The other day she had gone to AniWaya, originally to see her friend Noir, but on the way she had found a dove with a broken wing and she had taken it to the the tribe's medic and he had set the injury. Cambria was now devoted to take care of the bird, whom she had named Enzo. He filled the gap that Leafy had left and it made her feel useful again. Not only had Dawali helped her new friend, but he had shown her some of the basics of healing and she was keen to continue in that study. She liked helping people and other, smaller animals, so such a thing was something that she would enjoy. Also, her home didn't have a healer anymore and that wasn't good. What if someone got hurt? Who would take care of them? The girl didn't know if she would be a good healer, but she wanted to try. So she had set out today with a basket in hopes of collecting some medicine plants and herbs.

........Her feet had carried her deep into the Trenches and she hadn't really thought anyone else would be out here. It really wasn't that nice of a day after all, but when her ears picked up the sounds of the ocean she looked forward and found a figure standing near the edge of the cliffs. There was something familiar about the person and slowly and cautiously she crept forward, her nose sniffing to catch any hints of an identity. She caught a whiff of the Dahlian scent and then that and the fur color clicked in her head. It was Alexey! Conor's caretaker! Cambi hadn't seen the woman since that first day she had brought Conor to the mansion and things had gone all wrong. Hopefully she was doing alright, she was a long ways from home. "Alexey?" she called out curiously, hoping she wouldn't startle the older fey.


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