like oil and water
And this one. :O <3 Yeah, I'd think so. Someone would've mentioned half-sibs. XD

    There was something lovely in walking along in the waste with her daughter, some connection the hybrid had missed. The coyote woman had many children, and she missed all of them to some extent. Just a few—like Vitium—were remembered in a far less positive light than the rest, but the coyote cherished the memory of most of them, and this return and even settling with Inferni was unexpected. The silver-furred hybrid and her daughter had certainly had their difficulties and disagreements before, and though perhaps this was the "honeymoon" period of good times, Kaena could not help but enjoy it. Times had been too dark lately.

    The coyote offered half a smile at the woman's comment, shrugging a shoulder. "It got old," she said. It was true—perhaps it was simply the city vibe that had driven her away. They were a relatively civilized bunch living up in Oregon, and she had felt almost suffocated by the amount of canines living in such a small space. "Dunno where he ended up, but he's spun a similar train. 'Mother Earth and Father Ocean' and all of that," the hybrid said, although not as derisively as she might have in the past. Those concepts in particular had enticed her; she had never considered the elements of the earth itself as godly or personified before.

    "Someday, when our blood's too mixed to tell who's who anymore," the hybrid replied staunchly, shrugging. Either that or the wolves stopped attacking them—the latter was far less likely to happen, in Kaena's opinion. Still, she wanted to avoid those subjects with her child for now. No doubt they'd unearth old issues and arguments, and for right now Kaena simply wished to bask in the glow of ehr daughter's presence. The woman's words brought an almost bitter smile to the hybrid's face.

    "I shouldn't have left, but maybe it's for the best," the hybrid said, leading into Rikka's next question. "Gabriel leads us, but I am his Centurion. Came full circle," the hybrid said with a grin, referring to her first term as the clan's subleader. "Astaroth paid for his crimes, and Eris hasn't been back since," the hybrid said, shrugging half of a shoulder and looking away from the tawny-furred woman at the first sentence, knowing it might evoke her comment. Vengeance was a perfectly good excuse for violence in the hybrid's mind, but she was no fool. It wouldn't have taken a genuis to realize such a concept might be abhorrent to her pacifist daughter.


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