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Some people would have hated her for running off twice now. Some would have ignored and resented her for doing so, but not Conri. The hybrid had always tried to be the good son, the one that was forgiving and understanding. Now, more than ever, Conri understood that horrible things happened in life, that perhaps his mother had a weak moment, they all did, and that was why she had disappeared each time. If anything at all, the only thing that Conri didn't like about it was the fact that she didn't stay and let him try and help her. She shouldn't have to face those sorts of things alone, those kinds of thoughts and feelings, and the young male felt that he understood enough to try and help her through it. She was his mother, after all, and he would do anything in his power to keep her safe and happy.

He saw her form then, there between the trees, and his eyes lit up with a fiery delight. He'd told Naniko only a few days before that he thought she might return, she always did. Everyone needed time to themselves, Conri knew, and he also knew that his mother wouldn't just leave and never return. "Momma." He cooed the words softly as she arrived in front of him, though his voice was more rugged than it had been so long ago. A breath of both relief and happiness came then, and he smiled. She seemed well. Without a moment to spare he moved to wrap her up in a hug, which was odd for him to do with only one arm, but he did so anyways. His head curled in, pressing it firmly against her neck, and the boy shuddered. No matter what he had been through, no matter the strength that he had found in himself during it all, he still needed the comfort of his mother.


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