like oil and water

If she had known the extent of abuse her mother suffered in her childhood than she would have been better able to understand why the woman was who she was. It was a foreign concept to her though, she might not have had the greatest childhood, but it had been far from bad. To know that Kaena was able to be as loving, at least towards her family, as she was considering what she had been through was quite amazing. Rikka knew there was a lot about her mother that she didn't know, and so it was easier for her to take what she viewed as faults in stride. The hybrid was a complex person and she had never viewed her as a bad person, there were simply things that she herself did not agree with.

She nodded her head. They were very true words, though Rikka thought they all chose whatever path they would take. Whether it was following in the steps of their parents and grandparents or striking out of their own. "Yes, but where we come from is always important." At least it was to her. It was a connection that she could not really justify or explain considering how different she was from a lot of the family, but it was there and Rikka knew it would never go away. No matter how estranged she became her family would always matter to her in some way. That was why she had come back. No matter how happy she had been in the commune, she had wanted to be around her kin.

"Yeah, seems that worrying kind of comes with the job. I wouldn't want to be a leader, that's for sure. I'm much happier just laying back and going with the flow, ya know?" The woman was not leader material and she had no desire to put the weight of the world on her shoulders. She admired those who did have the strength and tenacity to lead, but it had never been an aspiration of her's. Living a happy, calm life was all she really wanted. "I hope you're right. We didn't always get along the best, but maybe things will be different now that we're both older." Time changed almost everything, even if it was only in a minuscule way.

"Any kids running around these days?" Rikka loved kids, even if she didn't have any of her own.


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